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Economic Development

The following are all future and past events that have impacts on economic development. 


Note: For more info about the Destination Medication Center initiative, please visit Beam's DMC Document Portal.  



Start Date Title Description Tags
Feb 08, 2017 09:30 AM DMCC Board Meeting ('commerce', 'DMC', 'community')
Apr 06, 2016 07:30 AM April 6 CNG Steering Committee Meeting CNG has a general oral agreement with DMC, J2G to use Minnesota Compass as a common data source and Wilder Research as the contractor. There has been a verbal agreement with DMC and J2G to work toward using a common set of indicators for broad measures of community economic and social vitality and well-being. In addition, Wilder Research is developing a contract with DMC for the specific indicators that DMC will require. It is anticipated that Journey to Growth will contract with Wilder Research to assist it with the county profiles that it anticipates developing. ('DMC', 'key')
Document Actions



