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Chateau Theater Picks Exhibits Development Group Proposal

 Impact Lvl 1: Arts & Culture ; Heritage Preservation
Public Pinned Report on Chateau Theater led by City of Rochester, MN
Last modified: May 16, 2019

  1. Highlights
  2. Contents
    1. May 2019 Presentations to DMCC
    2. PB Editorial 2019-05-17 on Exhibits Development Group
    3. Council Study Session 4 25 19 - Chateau Theatre Proposals
    4. 2019-04-27 PB Reporting
    5. 2019-04-20 3 proposals (Exhibits Development Group, Art Trust of Minnesota, Encourage Events Group) 
      1. Memo to DMC and City of Rochester
      2. PB Reporting
    6. City Received 5 Proposals 
    7. Request for Proposals Open for the Historic Chateau Theatre
    8. Request for Proposal
  3. Related Reports
    1. Other Chateau Theater Pinned Reports
    2. Pinned City of Rochester/Chateau Theater Re-use Task Force organization and project reports


3 proposals (Exhibits Development Group, Art Trust of Minnesota, Encourage Events Group) being considered as a result of RFP.  


May 2019 Presentations to DMCC




PB Editorial 2019-05-17 on Exhibits Development Group


Council Study Session 4 25 19 - Chateau Theatre Proposals


2019-04-27 PB Reporting



2019-04-20 3 proposals (Exhibits Development Group, Art Trust of Minnesota, Encourage Events Group) 


Memo to DMC and City of Rochester



PB Reporting



City Received 5 Proposals 



Post Date:02/16/2019 8:46 AM

    The City of Rochester is pleased to announce that five proposals were received in response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the initial operations and management of the historic Chateau Theatre.  The submissions included: Entourage Events Group, Exhibits Development Group, Arcades are Awesome!, Threshold Arts LLC, and Arts Trust Minnesota.

    Deputy City Administrator, Aaron Parrish shares, “We are pleased with the number of proposals received.  It is always encouraging to see a mix of local applicants with those outside of the area.  We look forward to moving this process forward in a thoughtful and timely manner.”

    Of the five proposals, three were from local entities and two were from entities who reside in the Twin Cities area.  Staff from the City of Rochester and Destination Medical Center Economic Development Agency (DMC EDA) are currently reviewing the submissions and will be bringing forward a review process in the coming weeks.  Community engagement will be a part of a to-be-defined selection process.

    “The interest in the Chateau Theatre has been and continues to be strong.  This is reflected in the five proposals received,” says Patrick Seeb, Director Economic Development and Placemaking with Destination Medical Center Economic Development Agency.  All five proposals are diverse in their approach to use and activate the space.”

    The Destination Medical Center Corporation Board of Directors and the Rochester City Council approved $1.1 million in funding for the renovation.  The escalator and second floor are expected to be removed in the coming weeks.  All initial work being done to the building is anticipated to be complete in mid-June 2019.



    Request for Proposals Open for the Historic Chateau Theatre


    The City of Rochester is pleased to announce the opening of the request for proposal (RFP) process for the operation and management of the historic Chateau Theatre.  The RFP is open to all interested parties and has a submission deadline of February 15, 2019.

    The Chateau Theatre, which was built in 1927, is located in the heart of Downtown Rochester and is one of the most significant historic structures in the city.  The Peace Plaza sees close to 1,400,000 visitors a year and the Chateau is within walking distance of over 2,200 hotel rooms.

    “The Chateau Theatre is a community treasure and has always been at the core of our DMC Heart of the City planning,” says Lisa Clarke, executive director, DMC Economic Development Agency.  Re-opening of the Chateau will add more culture and entertainment options for Rochester patients, visitors and community members which adds to the vibrancy of Downtown Rochester.”

    The RFP outlines operational priorities, which should be included in the RFP.  These include:

    • Manage the day-today building operations of the Chateau Theatre in a cost effective and high quality manner;
    • Work strategically to achieve a high level of activation of the building for events not to exceed 390 occupants;
    • Create a vibrant entertainment, education, and cultural hub in the Heart of the City;
    • Develop and implement strategies to engage with existing community groups and attach new partners and events;
    • Support the City’s investment in the Chateau Theatre through exercising the highest standard of maintenance and preservation of the building.

    While the City of Rochester will retain ownership of the Chateau Theatre, the RFP process is similar to that of the historic Armory building.  A total of five RFPs were received during that process and a local applicant was selected.  Today, the building has been transformed into a multi-use space, which includes a restaurant, bookstore, coffee shop, artist space, and community space.

    Aaron Parrish, Deputy City Administrator shares, “Given the success of the RFP process for the Armory building, we hope to receive similarly creative and innovative submission for the Chateau Theatre.  This is truly a unique opportunity for an operator.”

    In November, 2018 the City Council approved a contract with Benike Construction for the initial roofing and interior renovation work.  It is anticipated that the interior construction work is set to begin in December 2018, with the exterior roofing work occurring in the spring of 2019.  The Destination Medical Center Corporation Board of Directors and the Rochester City Council approved $1.1 million in funding for the renovation.



    Request for Proposal


    More info ...






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    Back To Top


    Pinned City of Rochester/Chateau Theater Re-use Task Force organization and project reports

    . Project Report of Chateau Theater : June 25, 2022 : Chateau Theater Updates
    Impact Lvl1: Arts & Culture, Heritage Preservation
    Impact Lvl2:

    (1) DMCC May Board Meeting Updates (2) City of Rochester issuing Request for Proposal for an operating partner for the Chateau Theatre. 

    Project Report of Chateau Theater : November 06, 2018 : Chateau Theater, October 2017 to November 2018 Status Updates
    Impact Lvl1: Arts & Culture, Heritage Preservation, TBD
    Impact Lvl2:

    Project Report of Chateau Theater : November 18, 2016 : Chateau Theater Option E $21.3 million plan
    Impact Lvl1: Arts & Culture, Heritage Preservation
    Impact Lvl2:

    A $21.3 million plan to expand the Chateau Theatre is headed to the Rochester City Council later this month for approval.

    Project Report of Chateau Theater : August 26, 2016 : Chateau Theater Reuse Study by Webb Management Services
    Impact Lvl1: Arts & Culture, Heritage Preservation
    Impact Lvl2:

    Partnering with Mille Dunwiddie Architecture and Schuler Shook Theatre Planning, Webb Management Services published a resuse study.

    Project Report of Chateau Theater : April 14, 2016 : April 2016 Chateau Status and Consultant, Miller Dunwiddie
    Impact Lvl1: Arts & Culture, Heritage Preservation
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