Reward and Challenges Serving on DMCC Board (By Invitation)
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Nov 11, 2019
from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM |
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Former DMCC Board Member Susan Park Rani to share her experience serving on the DMCC board with Rochester area women leaders.
Notable actions when she was on the DMCC board
April 22, 2016 PB reporting on Rani's remaks about need for DMC transportation contracting process to be more inclucive.
"Destination Medical Center Corp. board member Susan Park Rani repeatedly quizzed speakers during this week's DMCC board meeting, asking about efforts to include women- and minority-owned companies.
The ripples of her questions hit shore almost immediately; less than an hour later, Rochester City Council President Randy Staver brought up the concerns during a committee of the whole meeting while discussing a potential consultant for a proposed inclusionary housing policy.
"Just a quick aside, you know, I realize this company might be a good one, but we were just chastised in the last meeting for not making a more deliberate effort to make sure that we're looking at women- and minority-owned businesses in terms of soliciting polls and so forth," he said.
Rani's comments were not the first of their kind. They come after continued prompting by Rochester City Council member Sandra Means, who has made it clear she wants a city conversation about the issue before the end of the year, when she ends her time on the council. On Monday, Means said the issue had spent enough time at the back of the agenda, and Assistant Rochester City Administrator Gary Neumann offered some encouraging commentary."
More about the above reporting on Beam