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Healthy Living Rochester

What is Healthy Living Rochester? Healthy Living Rochester is a program aimed at improving the heart health of people who live in Olmsted County, Minnesota Who is involved in Healthy Living Rochester? In 1999 an initiative was launched as Cardiovision 2020. From that beginning group of people, from varied backgrounds, have continued to carry out the activities initially laid out. A growing number of community partners have joined in the initiative and are helping to carry forward efforts to help make our community healthier. Thousands of people in our community have participated in healthy living activities since the program launched.

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Project Impact(s): Aging, Food

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Staff Profiles

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Meet the people from Healthy Living Rochester who help promote healthy living in our region.

Dr. Randy Thomas

Dr. Randy Thomas
Preventive Cardiologist/Internist, Mayo Clinic
Time spent in Olmsted County (or SE MN): 15 years
Years in health/fitness fields: 22 years
Favorite healthy foods/recipes: Grilled salmon and asparagus
Favorite healthy activity: Biking to work (weather permitting)
Hobbies: Piano, guitar, sports and family time
Healthy rule to live by: Eat less, walk more, and sleep more!
Something unusual about me: My wife and I have been blessed with 6 amazing children.

Mitzi Baker

Mitzi Baker
AICP, Senior Planner
Project Manager and Coordinator for Active Living Rochester
Time spent in Olmsted County (or SE MN): 17 years
Years in health/fitness fields: 17 years as an adjunct planner
Favorite healthy foods/recipes: I need to find one.
Favorite healthy activity: Nature walks
Hobbies: Nature hikes, birding and fly fishing
Healthy rule to live by: Primarily eat low on the food chain and consume foods that are sustainably raised.
Something unusual about me:

Martha Manghan

Martha Manghan
Adult Nurse Practitioner in Cardiology, Mayo Clinic
Time spent in Olmsted County (or SE MN): 34+ years
Years in health/fitness fields: Most of my life
Favorite healthy foods/recipes: Broccoli salad
Favorite healthy activity: Walking in new places
Hobbies: Cats, knitting, gardening, cooking and traveling
Healthy rule to live by: Take a nap if you have a chance!
Something unusual about me: I flunked nap time in kindergarten.

Peggy Menzel

Peggy Menzel
Registered Dietitian
Time spentin Olmsted County (or SE MN): 25 years
Years in health/fitness fields: 25 years
Favorite healthy foods/recipes: Black bean/brown rice enchiladas
Favorite healthy activity: Running
Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, reading, knitting
Healthy rule to live by: To practice what one preaches!
Something unusual about me: I will be running my 8th marathon this Fall.

Francisco Lopez-Jimenez

Francisco Lopez-Jimenez
Staff cardiologist, Associate Professor of Medicine
Time spent in Olmsted County (or SE MN): 9 years
Years in health/fitness fields: 25 years
Favorite health foods/recipes: The many salads my wife prepares
Favorite healthy activity: Biking
Hobbies: Camping, biking, DJ-ing, gardening
Healthy rule to live by: Stay calm and carry on!
Something unusual about me: I told my English teacher in High School (in Mexico) that I did not understand why I needed to learn a foreign language, if I would never use it in my life.

Linde Sifuentes
Linde Sifuentes
Wellness Coordinator for Mayo Clinic
Time spent in Olmsted County: 8 years
Years in health/fitness fields: 10 years
Favorite healthy foods/recipes: Italian Turkey Meatloaf
Favorite healthy activity: Running
Hobbies: Watching football on Sundays
Healthy rule to live by: The world meets nobody halfway; if you want it you gotta take it!
Something unusual about me: I am from Montana, so I don't do any snow activities.


Steve DeBoer
Steve DeBoer
Clinical Dietitian, Mayo Medical Center
Time spent in Olmsted County: 24 years
Years in health/fitness fields: 33 years
Favorite healthy foods/recipes: Any salad with fresh fruit; Ranch Tofu dip with veggies
Favorite healthy activity: Daily long distance running
Hobbies: Genealogy
Healthy rule to live by: "Those who think they have not time for EXERCISE will sooner or later have to find time for ILLNESS" ~Edward Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby
Something unusual about me:  I have been running every day since July 20, 1970, which is the 5th longest running streak in the country and longest East of the Rockies.

Barb Sorenson
Barb Sorenson
Communications Consultant at Mayo Clinic
Time spent in Olmsted County (or SE MN): I moved here as a very young toddler.
Years in health/fitness fields: 14 years
Favorite healthy foods/recipes: Salads with crab
Favorite healthy activity: Walking and play Wii Fit
Hobbies: Reading, traveling, cross stitch and hardanger
Healthy rule to live by: Look for the positives in life. That's why I like this quote from Dr. Seuss: "You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so...get on your way!"
Something unusual about me: I enjoy the world of social media and learning about and using new technologies.



Other Community News and Reports having impacts on:

Aging, Food



Last modified by allnode on 2023/01/12
Created by kalun on 2015/03/27




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  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
  • For the non-profit sector, we wish to shine light on all the organizations and services that otherwise labor under relative obscurity.
  • Our hope is that will encourage cross-sector collaborations and creative solutions.

While there are a number of registries in the community,'s  distinct value is to pilot a database with a data structure and categorizations that answer the questions such as: What organizations or projects/programs in our community that have purported relevance with some of the over-arching focuses put forward by initiatives such as DMC, J2G and Health Improvements?

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  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
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