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Concept Description Discovery Square Design
Concept Description
LINK - Bus Rapid Transit
Link is a proposed 2.8 mile route along 2nd Street that will connect downtown Rochester, Mayo Civic Center, Mayo Clinic campuses, and the Downtown Waterfront Southeast area. Link will be operated by Rochester Public Transit and will be free for all users. Link buses are high amenity, 60-foot electric buses which will provide service to 7 stations across the city. Service intervals will be every 5 minutes on weekdays from 6 to 9 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m., and every 10 to 15 minutes at other times. Link will operate from 5 a.m. to midnight on weekdays and 8 a.m. to midnight on weekends.
Confirmed: City of Rochester, MN ; Community Development Department (Formerly Rochester-Olmsted Planning Department) ; DMC EDA ; SRF Consulting
The 2nd Street SW corridor is one of the most heavily-used corridors in the City of Rochester, carrying more than 21,800 vehicles and 13,000 transit riders each day. The corridor is already near capacity, and congestion causes significant delays for transit users, drivers, and others traveling through the area. Link Rapid Transit will:
BRT was selected in 2019 as a result of the Alternatives Evaluation. The preferred route follows 2nd Street SW from the Mayo West Lot to downtown Rochester and will primarily operate in dedicated bus lanes. The current phase of work includes:
DMC Transportation: Parking ; Destination Medical Center (DMC) ; Rochester, MN Transit Development Plan Update ; SE Mn Transportation Projects Information Portal ; The Rochester - Twin Cities Rail Corridor (Zip Rail) ; Transportation: ROCOG Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) ; West Transit Village
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DMC Feb 2025 Board Meeting Memo
City of Rochester Receives $84.92 Million Federal Grant for Transformative Link Bus Rapid Transit Project
LINK Progress Report to City Council
Rochester eyes TIF to support Transit Village, Public Parking
March 2, 2025 Update per PB Reporting
May 2022; February 2022 and November 2021 Rapid Transit Updates and Upcoming milestones presented to DMCC.
October 2020 Series of DMC Webinars - 5 Year Updates
Co-designers will be Rochester residents with strong connections to their communities and local knowledge of their neighborhood and the Rapid Transit Project area.
Status reports and documentations presented to DMCC.
1st year status
Frustration was raised about the lack of transportation stake-in-the-ground at the May 26, 2016 DMC Board meeting. In project management 101 parlance, there is a lack of a work-break-down-structure of the overall DMC development plan.
Rochester, MN Transit Development Plan Update
The Rochester Transit Development Plan 2022 Update will provide recommendations for how Rochester’s transit system can improve and build upon Rochester’s 2017 Transit Development Plan. The plan will evaluate and make short- and long-term recommendations for:
Confirmed: City of Rochester, MN ; Community Development Department (Formerly Rochester-Olmsted Planning Department)
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Same as DMC Transit?
Downtown Rochester Access Management Authority per DMC Transportation Improvement plan draft ; LINK - Bus Rapid Transit ; Police Assisted Recovery (PAR Program) ; SE Mn Transportation Projects Information Portal ; Transportation: ROCOG Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
To better serve the needs of residents in the southeast part of the city, Rochester Public Transit’s (RPT) on-demand transit service “RPT GO” has been modified in the following ways:
Will transit hub be on former Seneca site? And what is being proposed?
Bryan Law presented the latest Rochester city transit planning status to CNG's Feb. 2017 meeting.
Five public meetings are scheduled to discuss Transit Development Plan here in Rochester. The RPT is asking for people's input on how to make the new Transit Development Plan successful.
Transit System and Market Analysis
Rochester Transit Development Plan – Focused Discussion Groups Date:Tuesday, October 27th Times:Option #1: 9:30a.m. – 11:00a.m. Option #2: 1:30p.m. – 3:00p.m. Location: Rochester City Hall, Conference Room #320 201 4th Street SE, Rochester, MN 55904
Transportation: ROCOG Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
The purpose of the Long Range Transportation Plan is: To identify major transportation investment needs in Olmsted County over the next 30-40 years To satisfy the federal mandate that all urban areas have a transportation plan that discusses the level in investment that can occur based on reasonably available funding To coordinate the actions of cities, counties, townships and MNDOT in developing major transportation facilities and services To provide updated system planning maps reflecting current thinking on community growth and land use development
Confirmed: City of Rochester, MN ; Community Development Department (Formerly Rochester-Olmsted Planning Department) ; Community Networking Group (CNG) ; County of Olmsted, MN ; DMC EDA
Destination Medical Center (DMC) ; Downtown Rochester Access Management Authority per DMC Transportation Improvement plan draft ; LINK - Bus Rapid Transit ; Rochester, MN Transit Development Plan Update ; SE Mn Together: A regional community growth initiative
2024 - 2027 Transportation Plan
2023 - 2026 Transportation Plan: The Rochester-Olmsted Council of Governments (ROCOG) has released a draft of the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), for a 30-day public comment period.
Per the following the ROCOG LRTP has been rendered online for immediate consumption.
Concept Description Heart of the City Design
Concept Description Per Original Plan
Destination Medical Center (DMC)
Intended to bring to Rochester, Olmsted County and Minnesota private investment in excess of $5.6 billion: • Seeks to create at least 35,000 new jobs in Minnesota and bring tax revenue in excess of $7 billion to the State • Intended to give prospective employees,patients and visitors substantial reason to consider Rochester their ‘destination’.
Confirmed: City of Rochester, MN ; County of Olmsted, MN ; DMC EDA ; Mayo Clinic ; Rochester-Area Economic Development Inc (RAEDI) ; Rochester-area Chamber of Commerce ; Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
1. Create a comprehensive strategic plan with a compelling vision that harnesses the energy and creativity of the entire community.
2: Leverage the public investment to attract more than $5 billion in private investment to Rochester and the region.
3. Create approximately 35,000 – 45,000 new jobs, with workforce development strategies that support that growth.
4. Generate approximately $7.5 - $8.0 billion in new net tax revenue over 35 year.
5. Achieve the highest quality patient, companion, visitor, employee, and resident experience, now and in the future.
Per November 2018 DMCC Board Meeting: DMC 2019 Workplan
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Drive subplans
DMC Heart of the City ; Discovery Square Feasibility Study Transportation: DMC Transportation Framework
First Phase (2020) Summary of Results as reported per DMC Second Phase Forward report.
New Jobs
Rochester added approximately 7,700 positions over the past five years, with growth concentrated in healthcare and additional jobs added in retail, hospitality, research and office segments. More than 80 percent of the new jobs paid more than Rochester’s Area Median Income of approximately $75,000. More local women and minority owned businesses are needed to fulfill the DMC vision and the project is on track to meet its 2035 jobs goal.
New Investment
Private investment during Phase 1 exceeded goal and totaled $963 million, which leveraged $98 million of public investment, including TIF funds. In all sectors except hotels, actual buildouts exceeded planned square footage. Projections indicate strong Phase 2 public funding while the impact of COVID-19 will influence how private investment occurs in 2020-2024.
New Tax Revenue
Phase 1 programs and investments delivered a tax revenue impact equal to roughly 12 percent of the goal, ahead of projections. New job creation has been the main driver of increased tax revenue. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on future tax revenue projections is being analyzed. DMC is working with the city and other collaborators to update the relevant economic models and projections.
Plans and Prototypes
To create the DMC Development Plan, DMC EDA recruited a group of the nation’s leading development and planning consultants to work in collaboration with the City of Rochester, Olmsted County, Mayo Clinic and community stakeholders. More detailed planning exercises with numerous organizations have also occurred, focused particularly on public realm planning, mobility options, housing needs and downtown energy district planning.
Transforming Experiences
The DMC team forged new partnerships with a range of community stakeholders to advance DMC’s core goal of delivering the highest quality patient, visitor and community member experience now and in the future. The “When in Rochester” app and a new RDA Ambassadors program grew out of ongoing efforts to ease stress for visiting patients and their companions and improve their stay experience from arrival through shift from clinical care to free time and end-of-day activities.
Economic-Fiscal Projections/Analysis
Other Economic Indicators:
Real Estate Indicators:
Other Indicators:
Note: above Information based on DMC Plan Draft Section 2.4 Metrics, Measurements and On-going reporting
Age-Friendly Olmsted County (AFOC) Plan ; America's City for Health ; Chateau Theater ; Coalition for Rochester Area Housing ; Community Health Assessment Process ; DMC Accountability Metrics ; Discovery Walk Co-designing ; Heart of the City Peace Plaza Public Realm ; Journey to Growth Plan ; LINK - Bus Rapid Transit ; Mayo Clinic Bold Forward Unbound ; Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S) ; Saint Marys Place: Holiday Inn Project ; Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan ; University of Minnesota, Rochester Master Plan
Annual Report; Metrics and Accountability; 2nd Street SW Public Realm Enhancement; Public/Private Collaboration to advance City for Health brand; Video Recording
City Council Oct 2024 on DMC 2025 Budget
September 2024 DMCC Board Meeting with 2025 Workplan Breakout
May 2024 DMCC Board Meeting and City, County, DMC Joint Meeting
Feb 2024 DMCC Board Meeting
November DMCC Meeting Info
September DMCC Meeting Info
May DMCC Meeting Info
2. Meeting Package,
3. Meeting Slides,
4. Video Recording
5. Breakouts
March 2023 Executive Committee Meeting;
Feb 9 2023 DMCC Board Meeting and City, County, DMC Collaborative Session
Mayo Clinic Bold Forward Unbound
An initiative that invests $5 billion to reshape six downtown blocks by 2030. The plan includes the construction of five new buildings — including two clinical buildings — with architectural firms Foster + Partners and CannonDesign and construction manager Gilbane. Construction is anticipated to pick up in early 2024, beginning with the demolition of former hotels on West Center Street, the former Lourdes High School building, Damon parking ramp and the Ozmun building. The 2.4 million square feet of new space will be “infused with technology to improve care delivery,” said Dr. Amy Williams, Mayo Clinic executive dean of practice. Those clinical buildings will feature a flexible grid where rooms and floors can meet the structural specifications needed for operating suites, inpatient hospital beds and diagnostic imaging spaces. This opens the door to converting some operating rooms, for example, into inpatient rooms, or vice versa.
Confirmed: City of Rochester, MN ; DMC EDA ; Mayo Clinic ; State of Minnesota
America's City for Health ; BioRochester and MedHub 3.0 ; City of Rochester Initiates New Budget Process and Publishes Digital Format ; Co-design Tracker ; DMC Discovery Square ; Destination Medical Center (DMC) ; Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate ; Saint Marys Place Design Process with citizen's participation
Video Recording Link
Collaboration Commitment
Video Mayo CEO
Mayo News June 2023
Related News: Community Reactions ; City of Rochester Support of Bold (2/1/2024)
Concept Description Saint Marys Place Design
Coalition for Rochester Area Housing
A continuing project to realize this purpose: “We are a cross-sector Alliance of organizations and individuals who seek to preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing that meets community needs and priorities in the Rochester area, through shared information, coordination, and collaboration.”
Confirmed: AARP Rochester, MN ; Center City Housing (Silver Creek Corners) ; City of Rochester, MN ; Coalition for Rochester Area Housing ; Community Development Department (Formerly Rochester-Olmsted Planning Department) ; County of Olmsted, MN ; DMC EDA ; Greater Minnesota Housing Fund (GMH) ; Homes for All ; Olmsted County Community Services ; Olmsted County HRA ; OpenBeam ; Rochester Area Foundation ; Three Rivers Community Action
Greater Minnesota Housing Funds (GMHF) Facilitating "Housing Action Plan"
Coordinated with all local planning efforts
Establish housing production goals
Identify financing tools, policy tools, best practices
Consult with State, Federal & Local Government & Foundations
Plan for increased local development capacity
Innovative policies, strategies & Public/Private Partnerships
Homeless rates reduction and demographics profile improvement
Reduced area Annual Rental Production Trend (2006-2012) and Annual Needs Projections (2014 - 2020) Gaps
Affordable Workforce Rental
1. Rental affordability improvements from current statistics of 58.2% of area renters cannot
afford the average market rent of $957 / Month. Majority of renters are rent burdened.
2. Improved affordable workforce rental general occupancy from 1.2% to xx% and affordable
senior rental housing from 0.8% to yy%.
501 on First Development ; Affordable or Mixed Income Housing Units Above Parking Ramp #6 ; Age-Friendly Olmsted County (AFOC) Plan ; Bryk Apartments ; Century Heights (CH) ; City of Rochester Home Ownership Creation Program ; Empowerment Center/Gage East Apartments ; Homes for our Neighbors ; Jeremiah Program (Campus for Single Mothers and their Children) ; Mayowood Apartments (MA) ; Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S) ; SE Mn Together: A regional community growth initiative ; South-of-Downtown Waterfront Small Area Plan
Rochester, Olmsted County, and Township Production
Avg Demand vs Avg Production Shortfall
Post Bulletin Reporting Abstract
2023 Olmsted County Housing Profile
State of MN Profile and Findings
Get paid while helping others achieve their homeownership goals!
Referencing BIPOC Homeownership Co-design Report
2. Future Starts at Home: Constitution Amendment For Housing